Bob Sandmeyer

Last Revised: Feb 12th, 2024
Professional Biography
My specialty is the German phenomenological movement, Husserl, particularly, and environmental philosophy.
In 2009, Routledge published my book, Husserl's Constitutive Phenomenology: Its Problem and Promise. This work traces and analyzes Edmund Husserl's attempts to present a systematic articulation of the phenomenological problematic. Since the publication of this work, I have set about studying the history of the German phenomenological movement. I am currently studying the work of the early phenomenological thinkers, especially Max Scheler at present.
I also have an abiding interest in environmental philosophy. The subject matter of this research area includes the phenomenology of life, the philosophy of the life sciences. Presently, I am developing an existential ecology. In this project I take Hans Jonas's existential interpretation of biological facts as my cue, but I extend this interpretation to the ecological conception of land advanced by Aldo Leopold and others.
I also have a strong research interest in philosophical anthropology.